Only The Brave (2017) Movie Theatre
Home of the Brave (2. Edit. The day after they get the word they'll go home in two weeks, a group of soldiers from Spokane are ambushed in an Iraqi city. Back stateside we follow four of them - a surgeon who saw too much, a teacher who's a single mom and who lost a hand in the ambush, an infantry man whose best friend died that day, and a soldier who keeps reliving the moment he killed a civilian woman. Each of the four has come home changed, each feels dislocation. Group therapy, V. A. They're angry, touchy, and explosive: can a warrior find peace back home?
Movie schedules for all movie theaters on Maui. Includes movie reviews, and movie trailers. Three Billboards (2017) Full Movie more. Events August 22 - Disney officially enters the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray market. Feature films March. Southern Theatres, LLC. All rights reserved. I Want To Watch The Full Movie Of Company Town (2017) there. Homes, Imax, Programs and Promos, Reel Rewards, Store, Advertising, Employment, Corporate.