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World Psychic Predictions for 2. Watch The Wedding Plan (2017) Online Free there. Beyond – Jeanne Mayell. General trend: Pluto Rising in the U. S. 2. 01. 7 to 2. June 2. 01. 7)In a vision four days before the 2. I saw a psychic storm in front of the Statue of Liberty, a whirlwind of battling forces.

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Emerging in the storm, I saw a force that would dominate until 2. It was the symbol of Pluto, the Roman God of the Underworld, God of authoritative power, God of death and ruler of the darkness, but also the ruler of the unconscious. The positive aspect of this death spiral is that it will hasten the end of a system that has been unproductive and hurtful for a long time and that we have outgrown. It will make way for a matriarchal,  more life- affirming world. True to the Greek myth, humanity will demand that Percephone be returned to earth, bringing back the Spring, because her grieving mother Demeter, the goddess of the grains will cause famine in the land. Oligarch rule will destroy whole cultures through war and climate devastation, and accelerate the destruction of the earth. The land will dry up and the grains will not grow.

We already know that the major bread baskets of the world are drying up. We have seen that climate devastation will hit harder during the 2.

Countries will pass laws banning the use of fossil fuels, there will be a world wide rail system. People will scramble to adjust to the surge in heat. Don’t despair or think that the direction our government has taken is a permanent state.

True to the Greek myth, Percephone will be returned to us and springtime will come back. Be one of the seeds, and you will find you are guided to safety. Embrace a more life- affirming style of living now and help lead the way for others. Spring will return in earnest in the mid to late 2. Long- range Visions Something causes our country to change radically during 2.

My own thoughts are these possibilities in order of likelihood, from most likely to least likely:  (a) recession in the U. S., worse than 2. GOP eliminating the rights to free speech and assembly. Life in America will  become more locally oriented, with states and cities taking over from the Federal Government the role of caring for its people. People will turn away from the news hype and the hate, and turn towards their families, sustainable living, local and small farming, and living a quieter life. Our long- range visions (2. Predictions. ROBERT MUELLER AND THE RUSSIA/U.

S. ELECTION INVESTIGATION:  For latest readings on Mueller, what he’s thinking, what he knows, and what he’s planning, go here in the World Predictions forum and read Jeanne’s latest posts. TRUMP – note there are monthly updates on the White House in the Timeline further below. Overview: The Trump presidency ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper, sometime near the end of 2. There will not be an impeachment. It’s unclear whether he has a mental break with reality, or just that his manic  bubble bursts, and he hides in shame. All signs point towards a mental breakdown.

Authoritative Rule: July 2. I had had a vision of the new president at the Inauguration holding a symbol of fascism or harsh authoritative rule  (a Roman fasces) in his hands. I feel  he could grow into the fascist role, but he won’t be allowed. He will last no more than two years before he fades. In another vision, I saw a haggardly lion roaring and crying. One reader, Lola, sent this vision in: “Trump is standing at a podium in the WH giving a speech when all of a sudden there is a breaking news that interrupts him.

Slowly we see Trump crumbling into a fetal position, blabbering to himself, as if he just completely went nuts.”In November 2. Lorie and Judy,  saw him take a literal fall. His entourage catches him before falling and puts him in a wheel chair.

Another reader, in a totally separate vision, saw him in a wheel chair. The precipitating factor in Trump’s fall is Mueller’s investigation.

He was desperately trying to grab onto anything that would stop his fall, but gravity overtakes him. I think it might be Jared or Don Jr. Another one of our readers, Judy,  saw Trump with dollars stuffed in his coat. It’s an indication that the evidence of his pay- offs is close to his person. But it doesn’t come. I don’t think the GOP Congress will publicly do anything to him. By October 2. 01.

I asked the Universe to tell me where Trump was, and the reply was, “Gone.”  But I’m not sure this answer was correct in timing because  some of our group still get visions after that of Trump around. So his presence remains a mystery. Congress: The Republican leadership is wary of him but he has been useful to them and especially useful to the oligarchs who fund them. Also they  actually agree with his authoritarian views. Also he is creating a new normal for them — what looks like an authoritarian state in its early phases. Download The New Blade Runner 2 (2017) Movie on this page. However, they know that his recklessness and buffoonery, together with his collusion with Russia, could jeopardize the party’s dominance.

We had a vision back in 2. American president would come close to impeachment in 2. For October 2. 01.

I saw in a vision that he “goes sideways” which I took to mean that the stress of his troubles would take a toll on him. Around that time through December 2. Congress would be debating what to do about the president.

Then in January 2. I saw a single thumb up which I took to mean that the Congress chose not to impeach or remove him. This will be very frustrating for many people once he is exposed.

People will not be able to accept that such a president would not be removed. The Increased Role of Congress. In 2. 01. 8, the Congressional branch will see increased power, and then become even more dominant in 2.

It will be a challenging time, both because of a poor economy, and the cutting back of the social safety net programs. Their policies will put more money into the military, and the pockets of the rich at the expense of everyone else. Congress’ intention to cut Social Security and Medicare to the point of effective elimination, may not be 1. After Trump falls, we will see more of Paul Ryan. Russia Scandal. This will eventually be Trump’s undoing, as well as some of those closest to him.

There are dozens of staff involved in the Russia deal and/or in covering up what they know. Some go to jail eventually.

Some will turn state’s evidence. The Republicans are loathe to do anything, lest it spoil the deal they have in a Republican president. The GOP will continue to support Trump until his behavior does enough damage to the Party. Then they will abandon  him like rats jumping from a sinking ship. Jared Kushner, the President’s son- in- law,  is one of those closest to the president who I feel will fall hard. As those close to Trump begin to fall, the president will become mentally unhinged. GOP clamping down on Constitutional freedoms:  The GOP is making plans to clamp down on Constitutional freedoms by  curtailing free peech and right to assemble and protest.

They are laying the groundwork for this plan by getting votes for Constitutional amendments. Jared Kushner. In March 2. Jared Kushner was going to jail. I did not get any detail. I posted the prediction in the comments section at the bottom of this page, now in the Comments Archive. On May 2. 5, the Washington Post broke a story that Jared Kushner was a focus of the FBI investigation.

Although the FBI said he was merely a person of interest, not a suspect of wrong- doing, I feel they view him as a key player in illegal agreements with the Russians (and money laundering.)Erik Prince. This could involve a fake terrorist attack, protests that turn violent, and the need to suspend Constitutional rights of assembly and protest. If it does happen, the public should not comply. Don’t fall for fake terrorist attacks, and don’t obey curfews or stay in your homes if a state of emergency is called by Trump or Homeland Security.

The Spring 2. 01. Event I’d thought would shock us. This was a vision I had last summer (2. I felt a shift in the public consciousness would happen in Spring.