Cult Movie Clips Woodpeckers (2017)
ORF- Enterprise - Content. Faith for Beginners. Vanishing Kings - Lions of the Namib II - The Musketeers' Legacy In the ancient Namib Desert, a young adult male lion roams across the desolate, barren plains.
Retrouvez toutes les discothèque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soirées en discothèque à Marseille. In the ancient Namib Desert, a young adult male lion roams across the desolate, barren plains. He has ended up in a place far away from home and is desperate to find. The 3638323 to 1605548 a 1450464 of 14434154 in 1270284 on 508384 that 503295 is 492114 said 487849 with 423779 at 408185. A Taxi Driver (2017) Streaming.
He has ended up in a place far away from home and is desperate to find his brothers, who went missing a few days ago. Wandering through the desert all alone, he has just started the journey of a lifetime. UK - Starting Shot Brexit. After UK's vote to quit the European Union - what is the outcome of the British referendum? How has economy fared since the Brexit vote?
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Years Mozarteum. In honour of its 1. Peter Beringer, portrays in close- up an orchestra known for its performances of symphonies and operas.
In constant tension between everyday life and high art, the film searches for roots of the fascination generated by this orchestra and its significance for the music scene in Austria. The Rh. Its central geographic location in Central Europe and.
This fascinating film offers a sensitive portrayal of the animals and plants, landscape and people throughout the seasons. The Enns itself, at 2. Austria. Meadows full with blue irises in May and June attract hikers and nature lovers, but the ski resorts in the Enns Valley are the main tourist magnet. The Enns Valley has also been shaped by trade and transport over the centuries. The iron from the Erzberg mountain and food were transported on the 'Eisenstrasse' or iron road and on the Enns. In the past carts, rafts and boats were used; later trains and lorries took over. This film by Alfred Ninaus shows off spectacular landscapes and gives exciting insights into the history and customs of the Enns Valley.
From Grand Hotels to Wonky Shacks - Refuges in Tyrol. Many high Alpine refuges are more than 1. Several outstanding examples of early alpinism in Tyrol now enjoy protected status. The Berliner H. This magnifi cent building from the turn of the century feels like a grand hotel, but securing the energy and water supply in the high mountains takes a huge amount of eff ort. Existing huts are given 'velvet' restorations; 'replacement structures' are put in the place of dilapidated huts. Three new refuges are currently under construction in South Tyrol. Which style should alpine buildings adopt??
That's one of the questions Teresa Andreae will pursue in her documentary. Hut owners, hut users and hut builders will all get a say. Buy 52 Tuesdays Poster (2015) The Movie On Dvd.
The Forest People. The Guaran. Now they are desperately fi ghting for their ancestors' land. The 'forest people', as the Guaran.
Agrobusinesses and large landowners are dividing up the land while the indigenous population are left to live out their days in reservations against their will. Director Gernot Lercher visited the Guaran. His documentary doesn't just portray their painful battle for a piece of land, it also highlights their deep spiritual connection with nature. We read that inflammations are becoming harder and harder to treat. The cause, among other things, is the slapdash approach doctors, vets and patients have taken to how they handle antibiotics, the miracle cure. But what does that mean for our day- to- day lives?
Do doctors still stand a chance - to treat middle ear infections for example? The Middle Ages are particularly visible in Friesach: there aren't just three very diff erent castles all within sight of each other here. The town is also indulging in a 'new' castle that has been under construction since 2.
The project is more than just a laboratory for 'experimental history'; it has also become a tourist magnet. The construction of Siegfriedstein Castle is used by the fi lm's director Gernot Stadler, as a starting point for a journey through Carinthia's castle landscape and a nostalgic trip into the past - everyday castle life complete with medieval cooking. Breads, Tarts and Sweet Treats - A Culinary Easter in Europe.
Traditional baked goods are common throughout Europe not just during the Christmas season, but at Easter too. The wide variety is the result of religious diff erences and regional quirks. One ingredient is particularly central at Easter: yeast. Without this fungus, many Easter specialities such as Colomba Pasquale from Italy and Reindling from Carinthia in Austria would be unthinkable. This documentary goes in search of the most traditional recipes all over Europe. The Silver Bullet Microbiome - Little Helper, Big Effect. More microorganisms live in and on our bodies than our bodies have cells.
Bacteria, fungi and viruses form our microbiome and its condition is crucial to our health. Sardinia is seen as 'the island of the centenarians'. The remote location has ensured the survival of particular genetic traits. Leading scientists are working to track down the secrets of healthy aging. Stress- resistance, social contacts, a healthy lifestyle and a good family life are evidently the key to happy aging. The people of Campodimele in southern Italy too seem to have discovered the secret recipe for a long and healthy life.
WELTjournal reporter Alexander Steinbach has set out on the search for the wisdom behind Europe's centenarians and has come up in a number of places with surprising answers to the great questions of life. Europe's Jihadists. Many youngsters succumb to the fascination of jihadism - and the Western world's problems and social issues are to blame. Living in Chinas new megacity - The Rise of Chong Quing. Outside of China the largest city in the world is hardly known: Chongqing at the Yangtze Kiang is as big as Austria in size, has around 3. Unlike the developed cities in the eastern coastal areas that are only growing slowly, the speed of growth and development is even rising in China's interior. Italy and Spain - The New Politics Podemos in Spain, Beppe Grillo's Five Star Movement in Italy ..
In southern Europe a new, different kind of politics has emerged. The New Right Wingers. They are known as the .
Who are these new groups that are taking a hold on the right fringe? Russia - 2. 5 Years Without Communism. Soviet Union. How have the lives of the people in Russia changed since?
This documentary gives people who experienced the end of the Soviet Union a voice: passionate communists for whom a world came to an end; dissidents who fought for democracy. Yigal Ozeri'This is not a photograph!'- this statement was to be found as an explanation under many of Yigal Ozeri's pictures.
The Israeli artist is outstanding at creating hyper- realistic paintings with a captivating eff ect. His way of portraying light and his skills as a craftsman trigger both amazement and doubt.
How are such deceptive copies of reality possible? Why would an artist create such paintings in an age of photography and a fl ood of digital images? France - The Fear of Marine Le Pen. The rise of the president of the right wing party 'National Front' hit headline news worldwide. What are Marine Le Pen's political goals and how is she going to achieve them? This documentary shows Marine Le Pen throughout her election campaign, talking to political opponents, including her father Jean- Marie Le Pen, who she excluded from the party.
Netherlands: right- wing populist or liberal? On 1. 5th March there will be a general election to choose a new Dutch government. The outcome is uncertain. Will the right- wing populist Geert Wilders be the prime minister in a right- wing coalition? With his anti- Islam stance, Wilders has ushered in a transformation of Dutch politics. He wants to close all the mosques, re- impose border controls, bar the country to Muslim immigrants. And following the British example, Wilders is demanding that the Netherlands leave the EU.
Like other right- wing politicians in Europe, he is profiting from dissatisfaction with established politics. Drastic cuts in social services and health spending have added fuel to the fire.