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Best i. Pod: i. Pod buying guide UK 2. What's the best i. Pod? Which i. Pod should I choose?

3 Generations (2017) Download Ipod3 Generations (2017) Download Ipod

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Which i. Pod do I have? Pods have come a long way since the initial music- only device that magically appeared from Steve Jobs' jeans pocket in October 2. There are models that have full access to the internet, play movies, and even make video calls using Apple's Face. Time technology. All i. Pods are not created equal though, so here we round up the various features of each model, and explain where you can buy the models that have now been discontinued by Apple. At a glance: i. Pod Shuffle - Discontinued, Small, compact size, no display, inexpensive  i.

Pod Nano - Discontinued, Small, slightly more pricey, touchscreen i. Pod Touch - Larger screen, great for gaming, connectivity options, expensivei.

Pod Classic - Discontinued, large capacity. If you're looking to buy an i. Pod, the question of which one should you choose has become a little easier to answer. Apple has discontinued all but the i.

Pod touch, so if you would prefer one of the smaller, cheaper options getting your hands on one won't be as easy as it used to be, but it isn't impossible. In many ways the decision about which i. Pod to get is really a choice between the i.

Pod touch and the next step up - an entry level i. Phone SE, or an i. Pad. We would generally say that the i.

Phone or i. Pad offer a good alternative to the i. Pod touch. Even if you are thinking of buying the device for someone who won't have a SIM card you can still use an i. Phone without a SIM. And while the i. Pad is bigger than the i. Pod touch, but if the person for whom the i. Pod is being considered likes playing games or watching movies then that may well be a better product for them. Despite the attractions of the i.

Pad and i. Phone, the i. Pod touch may well be the i. Pod for you. It offers far more than just a simple music player, coming equipped with essentially all the features of a fully fledged i.

Phone bar the call capabilities, and it costs less. It's not cheap though, starting at . A 3. 2GB i. Phone SE costs . Before we go into any more detail, it's worth noting that Apple has discontinued the i.

Pod Shuffle, Nano and Classic, so you'll only be able to purchase those from third- party retailers. If you really aren't looking to spend a lot on a device, and don't mind a limited set of functions, then the 2. GB i. Pod Shuffle is still very tempting option at . Moving up to a Nano will give you a few more advanced features and eight times the storage, but the price jumps up to .

You can buy one from Apple here. If you're looking for maximum storage, we'd go for the i.

Pod Classic. It's a little harder to find but you should be able to find one online -  take a look on Amazon here, on e. Bay here and on Gumtree here.

You might be surprised at how high their price tags are though - which means if you've got a classic to sell you could fetch a decent sum of money for the old i. Pod. Which i. Pod is best? Pod touch In the battle of the features, the i. Pod Touch is in a different category to its smaller siblings.

As the only i. Pod to run a full version of i. OS, the i. Pod Touch has access to the full App Store, with all the games, productivity tools, social media, and camera apps that you'd expect to find on an i. Phone. The i. Pod Touch is also a fully functional internet device, so browsing, chatting, and shopping are all available via its 4in Retina screen. The built in camera, while not quite up to the i.

Phone quality, still offers great shots that will go well on Instagram or Facebook - both of which are also available. It's easily the most advanced i.

Pod there's ever been, and with the category declining due to the proliferation of smartphones. We don't expect Apple to do anything to advance it further. Pod Nano. There are still people for whom the i.

Pod nano is ideal. Like the touch, it is also a capable device, but small enough to carry anywhere. If you want a small i.

Pod to pop into your pocket at the gym, and you are happy to look at second hand models, this may well be the one for you. However, even when Apple was still selling the nano it wasn't cheap, it cost . The most obvious feature that differentiates the i. Pod Nano and the i. Pod Shuffle is the 2.

This enable the i. Pod Nano to have a range of included apps that broaden its appeal. Music is, of course, still the primary function, with the cool ability to create Genius mixes on the fly by tapping a button while a song is playing; the device will then automatically generate a playlist from your library based around that track.

A screen also means video, with the i. Pod Nano happily playing any media synced to it from your i. Tunes account. It's admittedly not the biggest display for Hollywood blockbusters, but for quick fixes on the go, or to entertain the little ones, it does the job.

You can also store photos on the i. Pod Nano, and a built- in FM radio app makes it easy to keep up with the latest music, news or sporting events. If you are a Nike Fitness user then you'll find the bespoke app on the i. Pod Nano a handy addition, as the device doubles as a fitness tracker that can sync up to your Nike. Plus account with details of your workouts.

Bluetooth is also a useful feature, as you can listen to your tunes wirelessly on bluetooth headphones, or connect to a number of home and car speakers. Unfortunately it won't work with Apple Music. There have been many i.

Pod nano models over the years, the most recent one looks like the picture above, and has an Home page with icons on it offering access to apps - but not the kind of apps you buy from the i. OS App Store, unfortunately.

If you find a square i. Pod nano for sale, beware that model, first introduced in 2. Apple is no longer supporting it. It's the model that people used to wear on a watch strap, we guess Apple doesn't need an alternative to the Apple Watch. Pod shuffle. The i. Pod shuffle was the cheapest option, inexpensive, and tough - perfect for taking to the gym.

It's only failing was the lack of storage space, maxing out at 2. GB. Just not enough for most music libraries. It also lacked a screen so choosing music wasn't a simple process.

But you could probably pick one up for next to nothing on e. Bay these days, although Argos is still selling it, for now..

In many ways the Shuffle is probably the most true to that original i. Pod, as it focusses solely on playing audio. The lack of a screen has meant that in the past you had to remember what was on the device, and switching between tracks was something of a lottery.

Later versions offered a Voice Over feature: the i. Pod Shuffle would read the name of the track, podcast, audiobook, or playlist to you and allow you to choose the one you want to listen to with nary a touchscreen in sight. This meant that you could have multiple playlists on the device without having to return to your i. Tunes library. It was a simple addition, but it really did make the Shuffle a far more capable device than past iterations.

For that reason we would suggest that if you were looking to pick up a second hand Shuffle you should make sure that it is a 4th generation model. Which i. Pod is right for you? The first question you should ask yourself when considering a technology purchase is this - what do I want from the device? It's all well and good buying the latest and greatest gadget, but this will be a waste of money if you only intend to use a fraction of its capabilities. If all you want is some musical accompaniment while you work out at the gym, the i. Pod touch is probably overkill - although now that it includes the M8 chip for fitness monitoring it might be exactly what you are looking for.

Conversely the shuffle can become a very frustrating device if you like to change the music you are listening to often as it's not very flexible - essentially shuffling the tracks you listen to. How are the i. Pods different. To lay out some of the more basic capabilities of the various i. Download The Boy (2016) Movies.

Pods available we'll start with the storage capacities of each model.